King’s Ely
A case study
King’s Ely
King’s Ely sits in the shadow of Ely cathedral. It has been educating children for well over 1,000 years. The school look after the academic and pastoral needs of around 1,000 boys and girls aged 2 – 18, with boarders from 7 years old.
The pandemic put King’s Ely in a position where they had to look at their approach to marketing differently. They had no access to the school and had yet to find a way to still send prospectuses out.
In January 2020 Unify started working with King’s Ely. The school provided all their current artwork and the team at Unify added it onto the Unify software.
Each of the school’s prospectuses are now available online with a prospectus which is personalised to the child and delivered to an inbox in real time.
What we did
- Unify
- Prospectus
“King’s Ely so far have saved over £50,000 on printing” since working with Unify Schools.
The most recent comments we have received from Simon Blake, Head of Marketing at King’s Ely is that the “Reporting is really good and offers another dimension when feeding back to management teams.” The King’s Ely team have access to the reporting dashboard and from here can see how many prospectuses have been downloaded and can view the open rates.
Looking forward, King’s Ely will be updating their prospectus content to also include videos.
To find out more about the opportunities available, contact us on [email protected] or call 01279 797270
Simon Blake
Head of Marketing, King’s Ely
The software sells itself. It became second nature with a very high success rate.